

Within a few hours you can be there, Luxembourg city. The name of the city means “Little Castle” which is characteristic of the city. The capital lends itself well to a city break, as it is not large and therefore ideal for a weekend away. You quickly imagine yourself in a different world, because the region around Luxembourg is hilly and this is also reflected in the city. The streets vary in height due to the relief, which gives nice vistas as you walk through the city. We went in the fall and the change in color of the leaves on the trees added to the beauty of the city. When traveling to this ancient fortified city visit the old town with Cathedral Notre Dame de Luxembourg, Place d’Armes and Place Guillaume II. Lower down in the center you will find the Grund and outside the center you will find Pont Adolphe with several surrounding parks. The city also has several museums to visit, so you won’t be bored in Luxembourg.

Old center

In the old town, it is wonderful to walk through the streets and come out somewhere. So you automatically walk past Cathedral Notre Dame de Luxembourg, across Place d’Armes and Place Guillaume II. The architecture of the old center makes it nice to quietly view the multiple buildings, and because the center is at a higher elevation than other parts of the city, the old center also provides multiple vantage points.

Kaale Kaffi

Fancy a break in the old town? Kaale Kaffie is a cozy and tastefully decorated coffee shop, full of oriental decorations. Wonderful to plop down in the lounce benches with a cup of coffee and homemade cake or pie. And so for a moment you imagine yourself in another world.

The Grund

Through the city flows the Alzette River. The district near this river is also called the Grund, is tens of meters lower than the rest of the city and is a vibrant (student) district. From the old town, the Grund can be viewed from a distance and height, but it is just as fun to walk through the streets, alleys and across the squares of the district itself. The Grund exudes a cozy atmosphere with nice restaurants and cafes.

Pont Aldophe

This old bridge from the early 20th century is 150 meters long and at its highest point 42 meters, literally a high point. From the bridge, as well as from the various surrounding parks, such as Parc de la Pétrusse and Parc municipal de Luxembourg, you have a beautiful view of the city, as both the bridge and the parks are located higher. A nice place to relax from the city and see the city from a different point of view.

From & to the center

You can go to Luxembourg city either by car or by train. You won’t need a car in the center and nearby neighborhoods, because everything can be walked, the distances are small. If you come by car, keep in mind that the streets are often small and parking can be difficult. Either find a hotel with parking or find out in advance where the best parking is.


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